How do I send my drawings ?

After placing your order, you will receive an email with instructions on how to send us your scanned images or the original drawings by mail. We recommend that you use the latest, so we can guarantee a professional scanning for high-definition files and a better finish product. These being valuable works, use a shipment with tracking, since we are not responsible for loss. Of course, we'll return the originals at the same time as your order if you chose to.

How long it takes ?

Once the art is received, it will take about two weeks to get the layout of the artwork for validation. After validation of the model, 2 to 3 weeks are needed to ship the finished book. Please note that each order is processed individually and that each of our proposals are inspired by the information you provide to us. Prints, calendars and cards take around 10 days to be ready.

Shipping costs are added to the amount of your order. You will receive a shipping email as soon as your order is placed with Canada Post. Shipping costs vary depending on the quantity of products in your basket and location of receipt.

You can always select the "Pick'-up" option to pick up your items without delivery charges.

Quel type d'art est accepté?

Tous les dessins sont susceptibles de servir pour créer une nouvelle œuvre originale. Même s’ils sont abîmés, vieillis, petits ou usés, une solution est toujours envisageable. Les dessins, peintures, cartes, collages et objets 3D auront fière allure sur votre livre.

What kind of art is accepted?

All drawings are likely to be used to create a new original work, even if they are damaged, old or small. Drawings, paintings, cards, collages and 3D objects will look great on your book.

Can’t I just do this myself?

Of course ! It just depends of how much time you have to work on this. A project like this takes long hours of photographing and editing to start with. We are artists, photographers and graphic designers with the experience to ensure the best image and book quality.

Can I make changes to the proof you’ll send me ?

Absolutely! You can write us back to make 3 small changes. We can swap images or change the cover, add texts, but we cannot redesign the layout completely.

Can I add a dedication to the book?

Yes! Tell us what you want to say and we will add it to the book.

Other questions ?

Do no hesitate to contact us to ask your own questions.
